2025 Milwaukee Alumnae Founders Day Celebration
Saturday, February 1 - Baird Center
2024 Midwest Impact Day of Service:
“Your Vote, Your Voice: Voter Empowerment Program
Stroll to the Polls - October 26, 2024
Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter continued to meet the challenge of our National mantra, “Fortitude on the Frontline” on Saturday, October 26, 2024. We began the day by participating in Stroll to the Polls with the Greater Milwaukee Urban League and the National Pan Hellenic Council of Milwaukee. We met at Greater Mt. Zion Church and marched to Washington Park Library where we made our voices heard by Early Voting! Afterward, there was food, music, fellowship, and caricature drawing. What a wonderful way to start the day, which set the tone for our Midwest Impact Day of Service, “Your Vote, Your Voice….” Counting to Election 2024, November 5th.
Monday, December 11, 2023 Wrapping Presents for Northcott Neighborhood House MILWAUKEE — On Monday, the red wrapping paper seemed to be the top choice at the Northcott Neighborhood House. “Exactly, that’s what I selected,” said Sharon Williams, President of the Milwaukee Alumni Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. “I said the red paper.” It was because the Milwaukee Alumni Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated, an organization founded on sisterhood, scholarship, social action and service teamed up with Mayor Cavalier Johnson and Northcott to make sure every child could have a gift under the tree Christmas Day. |
Saturday, November 25, 2023 Blood Drive Information on the Versiti Blood Center website reports that although 38% of the population can donate blood only 5% do. Today, the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was part of that 5% of donors. Many thanks to Versiti Inc.’s area Vice President of Donor Services, Soror Jasmine Johnson, for connecting with the Physical and Mental Health Committee to coordinate this collaborative opportunity with the Versiti Blood Center. The sorority has identified blood donation as a focus on the National level with the aim being to educate and increase blood donations. |
Saturday, September 30, 2023 Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter hosted its Midwest Impact Day of Service (MIDS) at the Good Hope Library. The focus of this year's MIDS was literacy. Community engagement and support truly made this a spectacular event. |
Service at the Guest House
September 9, 2023
The Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. continues our partnership with The Guest House.
September 9, 2023
The Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. continues our partnership with The Guest House.
UNCF Walk for Education
August 12, 2023 The Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. participated in the 2023 UNCF Walk for Education on Saturday, 08/12. Although small in numbers, the team exceeded its goal, raising $1,070.00, which will assist African American students attend and graduate from college. Thanks to the Physical and Mental Health Chairs, Gina Green-Harris and Joni Williams, as well as our team participants, and our generous donors, who supported this worthy cause! |
Black Arts Festival August 5, 2023 Did you hear? Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter WON the stroll off at the Black Arts Festival on August 5, 2023. Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter participated in the Divine 9 Roll Call featuring a stroll off between the Divine 9 participants. |
Women's Day
Saturday, June 25, 2023 Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter hosted a Women’s Day event, “Uncomfortable Conversations, Cervical Cancer & Human Trafficking,” on Saturday, June 25th at IPAMA. Community sponsors and presenters were MCW, Cancer Center, Community Engagement and Outreach, as well as Fresh Start Learning Inc. This event aligned with one of our National priorities, “Empowerment of Women and Girls.” The women in attendance were engaged and left the event with nuggets to use on life’s journey! |