In 1945, seven courageous, visionary young women chartered Beta Tau Chapter, a collegiate chapter, on the campus of Wisconsin State Teachers College, now known as the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. Charter Members included Agnes Bonner Brawley, Charlotte Carter, Beulah Johnson-Howard, Bernice Copeland Lindsay, Margaret Rockmore, Barbara Smith-Fochtmann and Flora White Turner.
In keeping with the mission of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. their mission was to deemphasize the social side of sorority life and instead foster and encourage academic excellence, cultural enrichment and community service among its members. Following the example of Delta’s 22 founders, these young women wanted to use their collective strength to promote academic excellence; to provide scholarships; to provide support to the underserved; to educate and stimulate participation in the establishment of positive public policy; and to highlight issues and provide solutions for problems in their communities.
The first organizational meeting was held on January 27, 1945. Beta Tau was recognized from 1945-1975. To date, Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter in partnership with the Delta Memorial Endowment Fund (DMEF) has assisted in the foundation’s scholarship selection process, as well as offering college preparedness workshops. Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter has received numerous awards for meritorious service throughout the years, including receiving awards at the National and Regional Conference level.
In keeping with the mission of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. their mission was to deemphasize the social side of sorority life and instead foster and encourage academic excellence, cultural enrichment and community service among its members. Following the example of Delta’s 22 founders, these young women wanted to use their collective strength to promote academic excellence; to provide scholarships; to provide support to the underserved; to educate and stimulate participation in the establishment of positive public policy; and to highlight issues and provide solutions for problems in their communities.
The first organizational meeting was held on January 27, 1945. Beta Tau was recognized from 1945-1975. To date, Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter in partnership with the Delta Memorial Endowment Fund (DMEF) has assisted in the foundation’s scholarship selection process, as well as offering college preparedness workshops. Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter has received numerous awards for meritorious service throughout the years, including receiving awards at the National and Regional Conference level.